The Family Covenant, A Biblical Plan to
Strengthen Your Family
Men and Depression
Understanding  Depression
Helping the Depressed Person
When To Refer to a Physician
Biblical Foundations for Lay Counseling
Understanding Substance Abuse
Dealing with Addictions
Preventing Teen Suicide
Marriage Enrichment
Marriage on the Rock
Enhancing Communication in Marriage
Effective Conflict Resolution
Moving Your Marriage Beyond Fred and
Wilma Flinstone:  Building Greater Intimacy in Your
Enjoying the Toughest Years of
Reaching the Heart of Your Child
Marriage as God Intended It
Abusive Behavior in Marriage
Band-Aids, Time Outs, or Nanny 911: 
Biblical Alternatives for Effective
Help, I Need Somebody!  Biblical
Counseling in the Church
Preventing Teen Nightmare Scenarios
for Teens
Overcoming Problems in First Responder Marriages
Overcoming Problems in Military Marriages


Churches throughout the tri-state region 

Philadelphia Biblical University

Lancaster Bible College

Christian Counseling Center, Doylestown, PA

Sandy Cove Ministries

Married Couples Conference at Sandy Cove

Harvey Cedars Bible Conference

Priority ONE Men’s Retreat, Lake Champion, NY

CCEF Annual Conference

AACC Regional Conferences

WPHL, Channel 17  In The Know with Steve Highsmith

WTCL Radio, Minneapolis, MN Morning Show

Focus on the Family Radio

Family Radio Network

Huntingdon Valley Fire Company

Bryn Athyn Fire Company

New Orleans Fire Department

Westminster Theological Seminary

Valley Christian School

Lower Moreland High School

Temple University

Penn State University

Willow Grove Fire Company

Spruce Lake Retreat

WYLL Chicago, It Takes a Parent with Betsy Hart
Montgomery County Fire Academy
National Christian Conference Center, Valley Forge, PA
Internation Critical Incident Stress Foundation – World Conference